Matlab Multicoloured Lines
Matlab 2D lines which interpolate colour between start and end.
It's not actually hard, but still took me a while to do.
>> tcline([1 2], [5 6], [1 0 0], [0 0 1], 'linewidth', 2)
... draws that:
A side-effect is also that it can draw transparent lines (e.g. pass 'edgealpha', 0.5
Here is the code, save into tcline.m
function l = tcline(x, y, c1, c2, varargin)
% FUNCTION l = tcline(x, y, c1, c2, varargin)
% Draws a colour-interpolated 2D-line from x to y
% Parameters:
% x : [x1 x2] start point
% y : [y1 y2] end point
% c1: [r g b] colour of start point
% c2: [r g b] colour of end point
% anything else gets passed on to patch
% Returns:
% a patch object
xdata = [x(1) ;
y(1) ;
x(1) ];
ydata = [x(2) ;
y(2) ;
x(2) ];
cdata = zeros(3,1);
cdata(:,:,1) = [ c1(1) ;
c2(1) ;
c1(1) ];
cdata(:,:,2) = [ c1(2) ;
c2(2) ;
c1(2) ];
cdata(:,:,3) = [ c1(3) ;
c2(3) ;
c1(3) ];
l = patch(xdata,ydata,cdata,...
'EdgeColor', 'interp', ...
'FaceColor', 'none', ...